Bobcat Build at Blanco Shoals Natural Area

Ben Taylor leads the group to work
Over 40 Texas State University students gathered at the Blanco Shoals Natural Area on March 28th for a Bobcat Build Project. The students were members of the Environmental Conservation

Student group photo under the pecans at Blanco Shoals
Organization (ECO), Phi Sigma Alpha and the Texas State Athletic Trainers Association. Ben Taylor, a member of the San Marcos Greenbelt Alliance, led the project. The volunteers trimmed trees along a future hiking trail, picked up approximately 50 lbs. of trash and 30 lbs. of recyclables, and removed bastard cabbage. After their hard work they relaxed and enjoyed a pizza lunch. Ben invited the participants to future workdays at the site when the trails will be developed in this beautiful natural area along the Blanco River.
Story & photos JEK