Many of you are devotees of the Purgatory Creek Natural Area (PCNA) and are well aware of recent efforts to expand its acreage. The City of San Marcos has an opportunity to commit $500,000 for a tract in PCNA, called Wildenthal (read more below and
in this PDF). This funding would supplement support from Hays County. Of
course expanding this natural area will bring many benefits to San Marcos,
including a way to connect trails with future land acquisitions to the north
under consideration through the Hays County Habitat Conservation Plan.
What You Can Do to Help
This issue is a discussion item on the City Council agenda on Tuesday, January 20th. Send an email to the mayor and council
indicating your support for funding of the Wildenthal tract. Send
your email to
Wildenthal Tract
The Wildenthal Tract includes Purgatory Creek frontage along its southern boundary, and is fully within the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone – the primary drinking water source for residents of central Texas. The property’s addition to PCNA will further preserve water quality by protecting two significant canyons that drain into Purgatory Creek. The Wildenthal Tract also provides critical habitat for endangered species, including the Golden-cheeked warbler and Black-capped vireo.