It is getting a little easier to stand and watch the construction of Wonder World Drive Extension at the fence that bisects the trail in Purgatory Creek Park. It helps to know that the trail will be reconnected under the flyway once construction is complete in April 2010; appreciating the amount of heavy truck traffic that won't have to traverse the downtown areas helps too. But what really makes it easy to stomach is the anticipation of having a trail route connecting Purgatory Creek Park to Hunter Road as part of the current construction plans.
A few months ago city council member Gaylord Bose brought forward the trail request SMGA has supported since the idea of the extension was first considered. If you see Gaylord give him a big hug and thank all the council members for supporting the change order.
SMGA members have been working with city staff and the engineering contractor KBR to consider all possible alignments, materials and other details. The location is prone to flash floods. The final corridor is yet to be determined pending approvals for the crossings of the right-of-way by TXDoT. The plan will include construction of a parking area under the shade near the beginning of the new road section at Hunter. Be sure to voice your support and gratitude whenever possible to our city leaders.
Putting that trail segment in place may someday connect the park directly to the San Marcos River. SMGA has long supported getting a trail, or at least a trail corridor, between the river and Purgatory Creek. It is in the transportation master plan, and we hope it is in the Parks and Recreation Master Plan currently being updated. We are working to one day have a branch of the new trail follow the creek underneath Hunter Road as part of its reconstruction. It takes vigilance. Sherwood Bishop, an SMGA board member and chair of the Planning and Zoning Commission, has helped by encouraging developers along the creek to leave room for the trail and to back away from what we all know is a flood prone area.
Kudos go out to Laurie Moyer, Assistant City Manager, Sabas Avila city engineer overseeing the current trail project, and Mike Sexton with KBR the engineering contractor.
Laurie Moyer, Assistant City Manager
Michael Sexton, Engineer, KBR
Sabas Avila, Project Representative