Two council members have asked that a discussion item be on the agenda in response to recent public demand for river parkland east of IH-35. Residents near Stokes Park, plus SMGA and the San Marcos River Foundation, have asked the Parks Board, P&Z and Council to acquire more riverside parkland around Stokes Park. This item placed on the agenda for Tuesday night is the culmination of that work, so please plan to be there. The actual public discussion by Council will be at the end of the meeting, but if you cannot stay for that, at least come for the beginning public comment period.
If you cannot attend on Tuesday, be sure to can email the Mayor and Council at
If the Council sees a lot of support Tuesday night, it is possible that they could put parkland acquisition east of IH35 on the November ballot as a nonbinding referendum to help them determine whether there is community-wide support. They will have to make this decision in the next two Council meetings to put it on the ballot. Please attend this important meeting Tuesday night or send an email to move this important initiative forward.