In 2010, San Marcos Greenbelt Alliance’s Conservation Committee worked hard to develop a presentation demonstrating the existing greenbelts in San Marcos. On February 1st, the presentation was viewed for the first time in public by the Bluebonnet Lions Club. They learned that the majority of greenbelts occur along waterways, a linear landform that is difficult to build on due to flooding. The presentation displays the existing dedicated parklands and the gaps yet to be filled in, culminating with a take-home message that our vision of contiguous greenbelts is an achievable goal!
We plan to give this presentation to residents and decision makers, educating them about SMGA’s vision, so when lands-use changes are on the table in potential greenbelt areas, informed choices will be made.
Contact us to book a presentation to your organization. Or read our newsletter for future opportunities to view our greenbelt presentation.