SMGA Trail Crew

So, what's with the weather? Sheila and Todd decided a while back that for the sake of all involved the crew would not work when the temp was in the 30's. At the time it didn't seem like that would mean a big stretch of time without picking up a pulaski. Lately just about every Thursday is in the 30's, and if it isn't cold it's raining (not that there's anything wrong with that). Add to all of that a few vacations and the holidays and, well, our winter hasn't been quite as productive as usual.

What to do? Head to our local community center (i.e., coffee shop) for commiseration and chit chat about the glory days on trails past and yet to come, of course. Pictured here is a latte lubricated, happy crew that just received new hats. The head gear adorned with our logo by Vicki Giere will let natural area visitors know that our folks working on trail are duly authorized and uniformed for the purpose of trail craft, and that they just might be the finest collection of trail experts you'll find in the state of Texas.

If you're interested fair weather trail shaping and foul weather cappuccino sipping, email us at to be put on the trail crew list. Also check for Saturday trail work events in the SMGA Events section in the right column of The Loop...t.o.d.