
Just a reminder, the snakes are still there. SMGA received a note from a member letting us know a rattler was on trail in Upper Purgatory and escaped the initial view of her husband. While in motion on a trail, it is a good practice to keep eyes scanning the tread ahead.

Another reminder: It's hunting season. While hunting is not allowed within city limits, many of the San Marcos natural areas border the city/county lines where hunting may be allowed. Prime hunting time is in the morning and evening hours, and the fall season brings about the very popular dove and deer hunting seasons. Be aware that you may hear shots nearby, but they may be from neighboring private lands within the county. However, if you ever see anyone hunting in a San Marcos natural area, please call 911. A friend of SMGA who works in the emergency room at Seton notes that there was a recent patient who received bird shot in his leg and has no idea where it came from.

For more information on hunting seasons in Texas, visit Texas Parks & Wildlife: Texas Hunting Seasons.